Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ramona's Plumber expounds on water
Water on my Mind - Ramona's Plumber's Blog
Greg Chick, Ramona's Plumber expounds on water and plumbing issues.
Sunday, February 14, 2010

World Plumbing day
The world Plumbing Council has declared March 11 2010 the first annual World Plumbing Day. This is the same month with World Water Day (March 22nd.). One might ask why? Just Google - 8 to 10,000 people die daily from dirty water.

No, they aren't Americans, they're mostly not white, so "what the hell?" & "I got my plate full!"

The world is shrinking, boarders are not what they were fences aren't either. More than 1/2 of the world is in dire need of water. Sanitation (waste removal) is equally needed. When the water is used it's dirty.

The AWWA stated that 40% of Americas' water distribution systems have a cross connection with sewer/E Coli.

Nay sayers can factually and honestly say, "We Americans use less water today than in 1973!" True to a point, but that means "Per capita use." America's population has grown to a point that we use 30% more water than ion 1973. Rain is not increasing, lakes are not growing. only 2% of the fresh drinkable water on earth is available (not frozen in glaciers.) AWWA also stated that 30% of the water we have harvested and intended for use is unaccounted for! It was lost in transport to your town.

Some alarmists and some nay sayers debate "Climate Change" The facts about water are not debatable. They are facts and ignorance is the only buffer we have.

Walk for water is a new social awareness program - check it out. Oh, and respect for all is the theme of my message, not DoomsDay or anything else. Thank you for allowing me to share my convictions, now read up and get your own. Greg.
Posted by Ramona's Plumber at
9:22 AM

1 comment:

  1. Good addition to your blog, if I don't say so myself, I like the idea of Realtors' getting into water issues!, water is one of the first issues realtors' dealt with before modern times. Water rights are a real item on the futures front! Get um! or lose um. I do think there are more water rights than there is water thou. Just like money and loans, some day reality will hit! I am planning for it, invest in water! the world bank is!Nestle corp. has made 3 billion a yr. last few yrs.
