Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I’m not supposed to say “Merry Christmas” anymore because it isn’t PC. I started to climb up on my high horse, but then realized, “Well, yeah. If we assume that to say “Merry Christmas!” means that I’m attempting to force the majority of humans into a Christian mold then they’re right and we should give it a rest.”

But what if we just accept the spirit of the thing, instead of thinking so much all of the time? But maybe that’s just easy for me to say, not really being a member of any organizational religion. I called up some of my non-Christian friends and asked them if they feel insulted or coerced or bad when somebody smiles and waves and wishes them a Merry Christmas (or Easter, or Valentine’s Day…………) Neither the Buddhist nor the Taoist nor the Jew nor the atheist nor the agnostic feel insulted at the words “Merry Christmas!” They accept the motivation and ignore the details. It’s sort of like if I was Swedish I could still enjoy the fireworks on the fourth of July, right?

Do you detect some week before Xmas punchiness? Yes, you do. I’m tired of the stress, I’m tired of the buying, I’m tired of planning, I’m tired of thinking about the money I’m spending, I’m tired of Carols and cards and thrice-accursed commercials. (I had already cursed Christmas commercials thrice by the end of October. No telling what the count is by now.) I’m tired of thinking about it and I’ll be glad when the day is over.

I’ve forgotten what Christmas is all about.

But wait a minute! When I was a kid I started counting on December 26th. “365 days until Christmas.” Seriously – I always knew exactly how many days it was until next Christmas. So what the heck? I’d better figure it out before the ghosts come and take me on some strange trips.

(I know exactly what happened, actually. I blame Christmas for things that aren’t its fault. Christmas didn’t create horrible memories – horrible people did. Chance did. Bad luck did. Crap happens and there’s a 1 in 12 chance that it will happen during The Season. If I insist on associating that song or that smell with this happening pretty soon I’ve ruined the whole thing. So then I overcompensate by buying too much stuff, trying to make up for the fact that I’d rather be in Belize.)

But what about the good memories? I’ve been on this planet for 52 Christmases. There’s gotta be something to get twinkly about, right? There’s gotta be a grin or two back there someplace! There are. I’ve just gotta pull my head out of my attitude and see it. There are lots more grins and giggles than there are icks. LOTS more. OK. Like what?

I love the idea of celebrating the birthday of one of the world’s great teachers, and I really love “Peace on Earth, Good Will Towards All.” I love the children’s Winter programs. They do crack me up, those poor little kids up there on the stage. I love the tree. I love the lights. I love to give sparkly presents. (I hate to wrap them, but they’re sure pretty when they’re done.) I love the feast, and I especially love that I now have help cooking it. I love people’s attitudes this time of year - we really are nicer, I think. I love seeing the “Feed The Hungry” bins overflowing. I love the excitement on the grandchildren’s faces when they come over and see a new present under the tree. I love Ralphie.

I believe that the great leaders of all religions taught the same thing: Be nice. Be good. Do your best. Keep your priorities straight. Love another. Take care of the weak and feed the hungry. Do the right thing. We are all brothers and sisters, and what hurts one of us hurts all of us. Respect the Earth. At its best, Christmas embodies these concepts and gives us a season for embracing them.

So there’s the secret. I have to quit concentrating on the things that are nails on a blackboard to me, and make room to see and appreciate the things that are special to this time of year.

Happy Holidays!